Camping Gear & Outdoor Wear
Outback Jacks is an independent Irish and locally owned Outdoor store for people who love Outdoor Gear and Active Wear. Opened in Galway, Ireland 2014 as an independent family owned business, to cater for individuals or families who enjoy outdoor life with the comfort of modern technical outdoor clothing, footwear and accessories.
Are you a traveller who treks the trails of the Camino, Via Francigena in Italy or the Westport Greenway in Mayo, Ireland and need to enjoy the journey in comfort? Then look no further than our broad range of hiking/trail walking trousers, jackets, socks, footwear, baselayers from Craghoppers, Jack Wolfskin & Sprayway.
Running enthusiasts with an adventurous streak who like to push their fitness to the peak, we have racing supplies suitable for Tough Mudders, Adventure trail runners and triathlon competitors.
Ship to Shore sailors who like the wind in their hair and the salt on their skin, Sailing clothing from Helly Hansen with Hellytech waterproof breathable materials will keep you warm and dry every knot of the journey.
For those who explore the world under and over water, in surfing, diving, kayaking, paddleboarding, coasteering or whatever gets the adrenaline pumping, Typhoon & Billabong wetsuits has you covered.
For the Scouts adventurer by the campfire in the woods, we provide camping supplies from Coleman, Campingaz, Trangia, Silva and small to large tents from Vango to suit all sizes.
Does your mobile device run out of power when you need to capture that photo of a stunning dusk sunset? Stay powered up with Powertraveller, GoalZero solar powered chargers.
Our doors are always open and the kettle is always hot, just ask!!